Professor Obi | Joseph Chikelue Obi | Doctor Obi
Professor Obi | Joseph Chikelue Obi | Doctor Obi

Professor Doctor Joseph Chikelue Obi | News | Independent Presidential Candidate | Black Politician | Professor Dr Joseph Obi | Politics | 2025 Irish National Elections for the Office of President of Ireland | | Blog | Website | Joseph Obi | Alternative Medicine Professor | Joseph Chikelue Obi | Alternative Medical Professor | Professor Obi | Alternative Health Professor | Doctor Obi | Alternative Healthcare Professor | Dr Obi | Alternative Health Care Professor | Updates | Prof Obi | Ethnic Minority Political Network | IE | Media Channel Updates | United Irish Republic | | Online International Virtual Internet Campaign.

Please Kindly Take (Due) Note of this Exceedingly Important Public Message ; from Professor Dr Obi (Our Highly Distinguished Independent Irish Presidential Candidate in the 2025 Elections).

The Presidential Campaign Office of Professor Dr Joseph Chikelue Obi would like to make it abundantly clear that the Minor Ailments Project ,(MAP) , has never ever received a Penny , or a Dime or a Cent ; in Funding from the current Irish Government (otherwise known as the Government of Ireland).

During the Recent COVID Pandemic , Professor Obi still Charitably continued to attend to lots (and lots) of Irish Patients , Free of Charge — despite being Repeatedly Refused Assistance or Entitlements (from the Irish Government) on over a Dozen Different Occasions.

The Net Effect of such Utterly Biased (Irish Government) Decisions is that Irish Clients will now have to pay the Same Consultation Fees as Anyone Else ; as the Minor Ailments Project (MAP) has now been (commercially) taken over by the International College of Physicians and Surgeons (ICPS).

In Effect (Thanks to the current Irish Government and it’s Political ‘Lynch Mobs’ at the CSSO , the SWAO and the WRC) : The Minor Ailments Project (MAP) has now (Effectively) gone ‘Totally Commercial’.

It’s Freebies (Free Services) have therefore now Categorically Ended in Ireland.

It’s Charitable Works have (also) Decisively Ended in Ireland.

It’s Humanitarian Activities have (additionally) Ended in Ireland (Too).

Please Do Not Blame Dr Joseph Chikelue Obi for Any of This (Mess).

He Tried and He Tried and He Tried.

He also Lost (and Lost and Lost) over 100 (One Hundred) Different Times.

Henceforth : The Government of Ireland should now (hopefully) be able to Duly Cater for all of those Clients who are unable to Pay for the Brand New Schedule of (ICPS / MAP) Consultation Fees.

As Many Other Businesses continue to Leave Ireland , in Droves , Dr Obi hereby Publicly Condemns the Extremely Selfish (and Profoundly Petty) Nature of Certain Decision-Makers ; within the Irish Civil Service (and the Government of Ireland).

Hopefully : Very Important Lessons Will , (and Must) Be Learnt — Unless (Of Course) if the Current Government of Ireland adamantly wishes to continue to Ensure that the current (Grossly) Unhealthy Irish Corporate Environment forever remains to be a Very (Very) Bad Place for International Investors to Permanently Do Business with (or in).

On a Much More Cheerful Note : The Legendary Ivana Trump (RIP) had a Particular (Sensational) Quote , which has always been One of the Major Guiding Mottos of Professor Obi ; most especially whenever He is Faced with such Obtuse Political Quagmires.

Even After Her Untimely (2022) Death in New York City (NYC) , USA , Ivana’s Time-Tested Words still Ring True ; most especially to His (Unsinkable) Business Ethos (right up to this Very Blessed Day)

For those of You who have Still Not watched Her Dazzling Cameo in a Popular Hollywood Film , titled The First Wives Club — The Main Essence of what Ivana actually said (To Diane Keaton , Goldie Hawn , and Bette Midler) was this : “ In Situations when Powerful People are Unfairly (and Repeatedly) Depriving You of Your (Due) Financial Entitlements : Don’t Get Mad , or Angry , or (Even) Bitter (with Them) — Just Be Patient with the System and Always Make Sure that You (Eventually) Get (or Grab) Almost Everything (in the End).”

(So) After Due Consideration : Our Honourable Political Choice to become the First Black President of Ireland in 2025 , Joseph Chikelue Obi , has now decided that he will not be Launching any Further Judicial (or Quasi Judicial) Appeals in relation to any of the Manifestly Unfair Decisions of the Various Appeal Panels and Workplace Commissions in relation to any of such matters ; as it Fundamentally Appears that Certain ‘Extremely Petty’ Members of the Irish Government (and the Irish Civil Service) deliberately want to Distract (and Derail) Him from ever becoming the First Black President of Ireland.

To This Effect : Doctor Obi has Publicly Vowed to use the (Very Same) Irish Entitlement System against itself , as follows , by Rightfully Deploying the Totally Lawful , 15-Point , ‘Obi Tariff’ of Maximum (Full-Whack) Presidential Remuneration :

* Presidential Remuneration Point Number 1 : He , Professor Obi , will be spending less than 180 Days , in the Republic of Ireland , in Aggregate , for the Whole of the Year 2023 (from the 1st Day of January 2023 to the 31st Day of December 2023).

* Presidential Remuneration Point Number 2 : He , Doctor Obi , will be spending less than 180 Days , in the Republic of Ireland , in Aggregate , for the Whole of the Year 2024 (from the 1st Day of January 2024 to the 31st Day of December 2024).

* Presidential Remuneration Point Number 3 : He , Prof Obi , will be spending more than 180 Days , in the Republic of Ireland , in Aggregate , for the Whole of the Year 2025 (from the 1st Day of January 2025 to the 31st Day of December 2025).

* Presidential Remuneration Point Number 4 : Depending on the Outcome of the 2025 Irish Presidential Election , He , Dr Obi , will then decide whether to spend more than 180 Days , or not , in the Republic of Ireland , in Aggregate , for the Whole of the Year 2026 (from the 1st Day of January 2026 to the 31st Day of December 2026) , and any other Years thereafter.

* Presidential Remuneration Point Number 5 : If Successful in the 2025 Irish Presidential Election , He , Joseph Chikelue Obi , will Draw (and Claim) the Full Statutory Presidential Salary of about €325507 Per Year — Amounting to a Statutory BASIC SALARY ENTITLEMENT of about €4557098 (4.56 Million Euros) over Two (7 Year) Presidential Terms (i.e over 14 Years).

* Presidential Remuneration Point Number 6 : If Successful in the 2025 Irish Presidential Election , He , Joseph Obi , will Additionally Draw (and Claim) the Full (Additional) Statutory Presidential ‘Discretionary’ Allowance of about €317000 Per Year — Amounting to a Further €4438000 (4.44 Million Euros) over Two (7 Year) Presidential Terms (i.e over 14 Years).

* Presidential Remuneration Point Number 7 : If Successful in the 2025 Irish Presidential Election , He , Professor Doctor Obi , will Additionally Draw (and Claim) All of the ‘Conventional Presidential Perks’ , All of the Annual (Inflation- Related) Adjustments / Increments , and All of the ‘Historical Financial Benefits of Established Presidential Office’ ; without Any Fathomable Reduction (Whatsoever).

* Presidential Remuneration Point Number 8 : If Successful in the 2025 Irish Presidential Election , He , Professor Joseph Chikelue Obi , will Additionally Draw (and Claim) the Full (Additional) Statutory Staffing Costs for Running the Office of the President — Amounting to a Further €25200000 (25.2 Million Euros) over Two (7 Year) Presidential Terms (i.e over 14 Years).

* Presidential Remuneration Point Number 9 : If Successful in the 2025 Irish Presidential Election , He , Professor Doctor Obi , will Additionally Draw (and Claim) the Full (Additional) Statutory Presidential Travel (and Per Diem Subsistence) Allowance — Amounting to a Further €4340000 (4.34 Million Euros) over Two (7 Year) Presidential Terms (i.e over 14 Years).

* Presidential Remuneration Point Number 10 : If Successful in the 2025 Irish Presidential Election , He , Doctor Obi , will Additionally Draw (and Claim) the Full (Additional) Statutory Presidential Staff Training , Staff Development (and Incidental Staff Budget) Allowance — Amounting to a Further €4760000 (4.76 Million Euros) over Two (7 Year) Presidential Terms (i.e over 14 Years).

* Presidential Remuneration Point Number 11 : If Successful in the 2025 Irish Presidential Election , He , Professor Dr Obi , will Additionally Draw (and Claim) Full (Additional) Statutory Presidential Information Technology (IT) Allowance and Presidential Office Hardware — Amounting to a Further €5460000 (5.46 Million Euros) over Two (7 Year) Presidential Terms (i.e over 14 Years).

* Presidential Remuneration Point Number 12 : If Successful in the 2025 Irish Presidential Election , He , Dr Joseph Chikelue Obi , will Additionally Disburse (and Equitably Distribute) the Full (Additional) Statutory Presidential Provisions relating to the Centenarian Bounty Scheme — Amounting to a Further €14000000 (14 Million Euros) over Two (7 Year) Presidential Terms (i.e over 14 Years).

* Presidential Remuneration Point Number 13 : If Successful in the 2025 Irish Presidential Election and the 2032 Irish Presidential Election thereafter , He , Prof Dr Mr Joseph Obi , will Additionally Claim (and Draw) His Full ‘Post-Presidential’ Officeholder Pension — Amounting to a Further €1410000 (1.41 Million Euros) every 10 Years (i.e Every Living Decade).

* Presidential Remuneration Point Number 14 : If Successful in the 2025 Irish Presidential Election , and the 2032 Irish Presidential Election thereafter , He , Prof Doctor Mister Joseph Chikelue Obi , will Additionally Claim (and Draw) His Full (Discretionary) ‘Post-Presidential’ Office-Running , Security and Administrative Staffing Expenses — Amounting to a (circa) a Further €1100000 (1.1 Million Euros) every 10 Years ( i.e Every Living Decade).

* Presidential Remuneration Point Number 15 : If Successful in the 2025 Irish Presidential Election and the 2032 Irish Presidential Election thereafter , He , Professor Joseph Obi , will Always Continue to Unashamedly (and Innocently) ‘Flutter His Fabulous Set of Voluminous Eyelashes’ , in direct response to All Media (Press-Related) Questions on Such (Presidential Remuneration) Matters — while also (Formidably) Getting On with the Formidable Job of Being the Very Best Irish President , Of All Time , in the Indelible History of our Hallowed Island of Ireland.

In The Interim : Doctor Obi (Still) Fully Intends to (Successfully) Contest For (and Decisively Win) the 2025 Irish Presidency , and the 2032 Irish Presidency (after that) ; irrespective of the ‘Petty-Minded’ and ‘Monstrously Vexatious’ System of (Current) Irish Governance.

The Global Wave of Political Change Will (Most) Definitely Come to Ireland (Eventually) : Irrespective of Whatsoever the Current Irish Government may be Secretly Plotting.

God-Willing : The Final (Political) Victory Will Ultimately Be Ours.

Sincerely , Faithfully and Respectfully ,



Date : Monday the 20th Day of February 2023.


Professor Doctor Joseph Chikelue Obi can also be reached by Clicking Here at (for those wishing to contact him directly).

*PS : The Late Ivana Trump can always be Digitally Resurrected by Her Fans , via YouTube , at (Courtesy of the First Wives Club) ! 

Here is an Abridged (Short) Official (Wiki-Style) Media (History) News Bio Profile (and Track-Record) About Professor Doctor Joseph Chikelue Obi GKB MD MBBS MPH DR(AM) FRIPH FRCAM FICPS (Alternative Medicine Professor , EU Medical Doctor , Celebrity Health Care Expert , and Independent Irish Presidential Candidate for the 2025 , Island of Ireland , Elections).

Professor Joseph Chikelue Obi is a Fully Licensed and Fully Registered EU (European Union) Medical Practitioner , who successfully graduated as a Medical Doctor (MBBS) in the Year 1991 , and also successfully graduated with a Master of Public Health (MPH) Degree in the Year 2001.

Furthermore : Doctor Joseph Chikelue Obi has already successfully passed all steps of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) , fully inclusive of Steps 1, 2, 3 and the CSA (2CS) , and has already taken up a Very Senior ICPS Position in the United States of America (USA). His USMLE/FSMB ID Number is 06180640. His USA Professional Medical Designation is therefore MD (in addition to the Original MBBS Degree).

For The Record : Dr Obi has also successfully passed the MD Medical Licensing Exam in a (Very) Very Sunny Mediterranean EU (European Union) Country , too.

In Fact : The Accredited EU (European Union) Professional Medical Designation of Doctor Joseph Chikelue Obi , within All Countries of the European Union (EU) , is therefore (yet another) MD (in addition to the Original MBBS and the other USA / USMLE / FSMB MD Designation).

Professor Obi hovers around GLOBALLY in his Professional Medical Capacity as President of ICPS (International College of Physicians and Surgeons) ; via it’s Non-Profit (Charitable) United Nations (UN) Collaboration Division in (DE) USA.

Often referred to as the founding father of Science Biased Medicine , Joseph Chikelue Obi is a renowned Celebrity Medical Doctor (and Eminent Internet Personality) ; who has Professionally Worked with a Wide Range of Top International Celebrities within the Global Entertainment (Film , Music , Television , Radio , Fashion , News and Sports) Industry , for over 3 (Three) Consecutive Decades.

As at March 2025 : Doctor Obi is also an Independent Irish (Political) Presidential Candidate for the 2025 Presidential Elections (in the Republic of Ireland where there are Very Few Eminent Black Politicians). This has Frequently made him an Easy Target for the Populist Wrath of Many Racist (Far Right) Independent Irish Newspapers (and Countless Xenophobic British Media Outlets).

The Official Linkedin Profile of Professor Obi is currently located at ; while his Official Twitter Page is currently accessible via (where He can easily be Followed, 24 Hours a Day).

For The Record : The Official eBook Publications (and app) Store of Doctor Joseph Obi is currently sited at (where Online Clinical Advice is also readily available 24/7).

When not dutifully engaged in the aforementioned pursuits , Professor Joseph Chikelue Obi consistently does quite a substantial amount of Medical Humanitarian Work within the (Rather Sunny) Mediterranean Part of the European Union (EU) — where he is Fully Licensed as a (Government-Registered) Principal Medical Doctor.

To Date (via Professor Doctor Joseph Chikelue Obi) — The Minor Ailments Project (MAP) has quietly made it’s presence felt in all of the Following Countries :

Afghanistan Albania Algeria Ambazonia Andorra Angola Antigua & Deps Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Biafraland (Biafra & Biafrans) Bolivia Bosnia Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Rep Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo Congo (Democratic Rep) Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic East Timor Ecuador Egypt El Salvador England Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland (Republic) Israel Italy Ivory Coast Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati South Korea North Korea Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar, (Burma) Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Northern Ireland Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Russian Federation Rwanda St Kitts & Nevis St Lucia Saint Vincent & the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome & Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Scotland Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Togo Tonga Trinidad & Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vatican City Venezuela Vietnam Wales Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe


. . . Ireland's (Highly Complicated) Transterritorial Landscape (urgently) requires an (Exceedingly) Erudite Breed of (Fundamentally) Fearless and (Fundamentally) Formidable (Political) Leaders . . .

. . . An Independent (and United) Island of Ireland should not be afraid to Publicly Rebuke ANY ENTITY (WHATSOEVER) which is unlawfully behaving in an Utterly Shameless (and Totally Wreckless) Political Manner - Most Especially when (Very Serious) International Matters are involved . . .

. . . Ireland is Pro-Peace, Pro-Fairness, Pro-Proportionality, Pro-Justice, Pro-Dignity, Pro-Human Rights, Pro-Diplomacy, Pro-Humanitarian, Pro-ICC, Pro-ICJ, Pro-UDHR and Pro-International Law . . .


If I , Professor Doctor Joseph Chikelue Obi , was , (Hypothetically-Speaking) , the (Current) President of Ireland , (as at Today , the 12th of March 2025) , then I would indeed (Politely) Respond to (USA President) Donald Trump's (Official) Saint Patrick's Day Invitation (to The White House) , as Follows :


My (Very) Dearest Donald ,


Unfortunately : The Irish Government is REGRETFULLY INDISPOSED.

I am therefore Politely Returning all of the (AFOREMENTIONED) ENCLOSURES (back) to You - With Profound (PERSONAL) Wishes.

Ireland is Pro-Peace, Pro-Fairness, Pro-Proportionality, Pro-Justice, Pro-Dignity, Pro-Human Rights, Pro-Diplomacy, Pro-Humanitarian, Pro-ICC, Pro-ICJ, Pro-UDHR and Pro-International Law.

Sincerely , Faithfully , and Respectfully,




America's (Ruthless) Bullying of Ukraine also clearly Exposes exactly how the Ongoing "Scramble For Africa" is (Potently) Working.

I Personally Believe that the United States of America (USA) has been Corruptly Sponsoring Terrorism , on an Industrial Scale , within Africa (over Many Decades).

I Also Personally Believe that the United States of America (USA) has (Repeatedly) Installed Numerous Corrupt (and Highly Kleptocratic) Political Leaders within the African Continental Region (over Many Decades).

I Furthermore Personally Believe that the United States of America (USA) should be Permanently Banned from Operating Any (Foreign) Military Bases (Whatsoever) within the Whole of Africa (& Beyond).

Why are there So Many Foreign Military Bases within the African Continent ?

How Many of These (Aforementioned) Foreign Countries (Actually) have (Active) African Military Bases on Their Very Own (Non-African) Soil ?

What on Earth are They (Really) Doing for African Stability (& African Security) ?

When (Exactly) will All of Them be (Politely) Asked to Leave ?

For The Record : Professor Bolaji Akinyemi (Chairman of the Nigerian Institute of International Affairs) ALSO Believes the USA Terrorism Funding Allegations of Congressman Scott Perry.


Re : Irish Presidential Elections 2025 | Ireland News.

The Irish Presidential Elections (2025) will soon be taking place - and PROFESSOR DOCTOR JOSEPH CHIKELUE OBI is currently seeking those (IRELAND-FOCUSED) Social Media Enthusiasts (and Online Influencers) with a Genuine HOBBY Interest in the Dissemination , Sharing and Promotion of Authentic Irish Political News.

Kindly Make Contact via LinkedIn - in the (Very) First Instance - Dutifully including a Short Introductory Note ; Together with the Links to All of your various (IRELAND-RELATED) Social Media Channels.

Those with Direct (High Quality) Political (Networking) Connections are also encouraged to make contact with us -most especially those from the Following Areas (which are listed) below :

* Provincial Regions in relation to Leinster , Ulster , Munster , Connaught (Connacht) , Breifne , Oriel and Meath (etc).

* County Zones in relation to Antrim , Armagh , Carlow , Cavan , Clare , Cork , Derry , Donegal , Down , Dublin , Fermanagh , Galway , Kerry , Kildare , Kilkenny , Laois , Leitrim , Limerick , Longford , Louth , Mayo , Meath , Monaghan , Offaly , Roscommon , Sligo , Tipperary , Tyrone , Waterford , Westmeath , Wexford , Wicklow (etc).

* Metropolitan Areas in relation to Dublin , Limerick , Waterford , Cork , Galway , Kilkenny , Derry , Belfast , Armagh , Newry , Lisburn , Bangor (etc).

The 2025 Irish Presidential Election should take place by (on or before) Monday, the 27th Day of October 2025.

To Stand for Election as President of Ireland, Candidates must:

*Be a Citizen of Ireland

*Be at least 35 Years of Age

*Be Nominated by at least twenty of the 234 serving members of the Houses of the Oireachtas, or at least Four of the 31 County or City Councils - or themselves, in the case of a Former or Retiring President who has served one 7-Year Term.

If a Member of the Oireachtas or a County or City Council nominate more than one candidate, then only the First Nomination Paper received from them will be deemed valid.

Presidential Elections are conducted in line with Article 12 of the Irish Constitution and under the Presidential Elections Act 1993.

The President is elected through (Instant) Runoff Voting (described in the constitution as Proportional Representation by means of the Single Transferable Vote).

All Irish Citizens who are entered on the Current Electoral Register are Eligible to Vote.

Connect with Professor Obi | Joseph Chikelue Obi | Doctor Obi
Professor Obi | Joseph Chikelue Obi | Doctor Obi

Professor Obi | Joseph Chikelue Obi | Doctor Obi

Professor Dr Joseph Chikelue Obi | EU Medical Doctor | News | Ireland | Independent Black Irish Presidential Election Candidate | Alternative Medicine | Health.